Three good links

This week’s Shire Network News, featuring Reut Cohen talking about the anti-Semites at UC Irvine (and they are the top of the bottom of the barrel there, if you get my drift). My contribution: In which I read a letter from Iseema bin Laden, explaining why there’s a freeze-frame on the latest Osama bin Laden tape.

Haveil Havalim went up Sunday night, but I forgot to link it until now. Sorry, Gail.

Last, but not least, a fellow Richmonder took one for the team and sat through 90 minutes of Ward Churchill at VCU.

Really. Debunken gets the Patience Of The Year Award for only being caught rolling his eyes.

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One Response to Three good links

  1. Gail says:

    Thanks for linking and Shana Tova, Meryl.

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