The Fifth Annual International Eat a Tasty Animal for PETA Day

I’ve been remiss, but Lair hasn’t. PETA Is Full of Crap has been back in business for weeks.

March 15 is IEATAPETA Day, or EATAPETA Day, whichever you prefer.

Here’s the history. A funny post by Lair on why you should eat animals with other people. This category, where you can read your fill on the history of EATAPETAs past, and on letters from angry vegans. Let me state now, as always, that I do not in any way condone cruelty to animals. I do, however, condone making fun of PETA, which has a higher kill rate than any animal shelter in Virginia, I think—at all times. (Fair warning: That link is from an organization sponsored by, gee, restaurant and food lobbies. If you know your sources, you can use them wisely.)

Meat. It’s what for dinner, tonight. And many other nights.

I just bought myself a Crock Pot. I think I may make a pot roast for EATAPETA Day. Depends on whether or not I find some fellow Richmonders who have time for dinner out on a Thursday night. There’s a steakhouse on Parham Road that I’m fond of.

In any case, start thinking about how you’re going to prepare your feasts, and discuss them in the comments!

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4 Responses to The Fifth Annual International Eat a Tasty Animal for PETA Day

  1. aunursa says:

    Mmmmmmm. This year my family will be celebrating EATAPETA day at Outback Steakhouse.

    I always try to eat a little extra … to help make up for the meat the vegetarians don’t eat.

  2. Veeshir says:

    I live near a Balducci’s so I’m pretty excited about this year’s festivities. They have all kinds of sausage, lamb, veal, multiple types of chicken and pork. I’m pretty sure they have quail and other critters that are much cuter than cows and pigs.
    I stopped there yesterday and got lamb sausage, a prepared lamb burger and some ground lamb.
    Hey, if they didn’t want to be eaten, they shouldn’t taste so good.

  3. chsw says:

    If the weather is nice, I’ll grill ribs. If not, I’ll have to do something else. Last year, it was veal chops. All kosher, of course, as PETA opposes kosher slaughter of meat animals (but not Halal, FWIU).


  4. Alex Bensky says:

    Meryl, I think you should adopt my motto:

    March 15–If It Didn’t Have a Mother, I Won’t Eat it.

    I will probably continue my EATAPETA day menu–turkey sausage for breakfast, a hamburger (at McDonald’s; I want to make my position clear) for lunch and then either veal or lamb–not mutton, lamb–for dinner.

    Anyone in the Detroit area want to get together for something carnivorous that evening? Let me know at:

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