Sunday morning post-sleepover briefs

The girls are gone (sadly), the house is quiet (sigh), and I must get back to work. You know, it’s a lot of fun having two post-high school, pre-college girls sleep over your house. But there does seem to be an overabundance of leftover junk food. Next time, I won’t buy so much.

Anti-Semitism in Europe turning to attempted murder: Shots were fired at a U.K. Yeshiva over the weekend. This is as a Muslim couple is being charged with planning to bomb Jewish charities and synagogues in the U.K. Because nothing says “Zionism” like a synagogue, right? Can we stop pretending that “anti-Zionists” are anything but Jew-haters? Anyone who says he is against Zionism is against the right of the Jewish people–of all the people on the planet–to have their own country. And to round up the anti-Semitic attack story of the day, another Jewish cemetery has been vandalized, this time in Vienna.

German court rules circumcision is child abuse: So basically, Germany is all set to outlaw Judaism by banning circumcision. So, are they going to rule that piercing a baby’s ears is child abuse, too? I’m just wondering. Because many women choose to have their daughter’s ears pierced as infants. As always, Andrew “I’m not a Jew-baiter, I just bait Jews by accident” Sullivan is on the case, as this put-down of his awful arguments shows. By the way, Jews and Muslims are now united against the ruling. Way to go, Germany!

The war on Christians continues: Followers of that peaceful religion of Islam murdered 17 Kenyans for the crime of worshipping in church this morning. But don’t worry, we’re certain that the Palestinians would never harm, say, the Church of the Nativity, now that they’ve used shady methods to get it declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Because Islam is tolerant of other religions. Just ask the 17 dead Kenyans. Oh. Wait.

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