More concerned with history than with law

One of the reasons the Supreme Court Justices are elected for life terms is so that they can consider the laws without regard to who is offended by the judgments they make. But the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court was apparently more affected by what people think than by what the Constitution says.

He switched his vote due to public pressure.

Chief Justice John Roberts initially sided with the Supreme Court’s four conservative justices to strike down the heart of President Obama’s health care reform law, the Affordable Care Act, but later changed his position and formed an alliance with liberals to uphold the bulk of the law, according to two sources with specific knowledge of the deliberations.

What a jerk. What an ass. What a coward.

It is not known why Roberts changed his view on the mandate and decided to uphold the law. At least one conservative justice tried to get him to explain it, but was unsatisfied with the response, according to a source with knowledge of the conversation.

My left toe has more integrity than Roberts.

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