Writing update

The novel continues apace. I’m past 57,000 words and coming into the home stretch. I’m at the point now where it isn’t word count so much as filling in the spots that I leaped over while writing earlier. I finally figured out that I don’t have to write in a linear fashion, so when I got stuck after chapter four, I wrote scenes in the middle, at the end, somewhere in between the two, and managed to keep the regular writing habit that way. Now, I’ve begun to go back and rewrite some of the beginning chapters to make them match with the new scenes I’m writing. I do believe I’ve really begun to understand how continuity errors occur.

I have a copy editor and cover artist lined up, as well as a proofreader in mind. I’ve picked an IP attorney, one whose firm specializes in the arts (Broadway posters all over his office). And I’ve begun reworking my old writing network ties, which I abandoned after I stopped writing and started JBlogging.

I’ve also gotten more work done on the short stories that will go up before the novel hits, and have a few more marketing/publicity ideas. Oh, and I’ve chosen a new theme for the website. I like it a lot, but we won’t be changing things until June, most likely.

Things are on track. My life is pretty good right now. Stick with me, people. You won’t be disappointed. Especially if you liked the Harry Potter books. Mine are in that genre.

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