Tuesday, briefly

Those wily Jews are using migratory birds to spy on their enemies: Yeah, Israel Derangement Syndrome is in full swing. The Turks report they’ve found the Mossad’s latest secret weapon: A bird with big nostrils. Because it was banded in Israel. Yes, really. Go read the article. And then laugh at the paranoia that is the Israel-hating world.

Celebrating with riots: Palestinians are celebrating “Nakba” day with riots.

Dozens of Palestinians clashed with IDF soldiers at the Qalandiya checkpoint in the West Bank. The rioters stoned the troops, who employed crowd-control measures in return. No injuries were reported.

Dozens of Palestinians rioted and torched tires at a checkpoint near the Cave of the Patriarch, as well. IDF troops used crowd-control measures there as well.


Air strikes for me, but not for thee: Remember this when Catherine Ashton freaks out over an Israeli hit on a Hamas or PIJ terror cell. The EU is conducting air strikes on Somali pirate bases. No word on whether they hit any civilians that may live there.

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