Thursday morning briefs

(Let’s hope this time I remember to hit the publish button.)

Yeah, but there are still no new elections, are there: The Palestinians are shuffling cabinet members around, and yet, their elections are what, more than two years overdue? But that’s the Middle East way: One man, one vote, one time. Except for–say it with me folks: Israel. And what is so interesting about this AP article? Why, it doesn’t mention how the democratically-elected government of the West Bank and Gaza have not held elections to see who gets to run the pseudo-statelets next. Here’s the most information you get:

According to the Palestinian news agency Wafa, Abbas told the new Cabinet that its priority should be to conduct municipal elections that have been delayed repeatedly. Such elections would likely be held only in the West Bank, another sign that implementation of the unity agreement does not seem close.

Mahmoud Abbas is currently serving the eighth year of his four-year term.

Sure, Israel should be pals with Turkey: Because friends scramble military jets on their friends who supposedly are violating the airspace of a country that Turkey invaded illegally, is occupying illegally, and that the world ignores even though Turkey is doing to Cyprus exactly what the world says Israel is doing to the Palestinians. Go figure.

Probably a work accident: Palestinians are claiming Israel fired a tank shell, wounding seven. Israel says there was no tank fire. Gee, I wonder who the media is going to believe?

This entry was posted in Israel, Media Bias, palestinian politics, Turkey. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Thursday morning briefs

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    “Mahmoud Abbas is currently serving the eighth year of his four-year term.”

    Didn’t Yasir Arafat die in the ninth year of his four-year term? I’ll bet Abbas would say it’s Palestinian Arab stare decisis. Precedent says he’s got at least one more year.

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