Wednesday Briefs

Muslims appropriating Jewish symbols, Holocaust version: They’re using yellow Stars of David to protest “Islamophobia” in Switzerland. Disgusting? Of course. Will that stop them from doing it again? No. Not until someone starts calling them Zionists or something.

Well, that’s surprising: The Obama administration cut funding to UNESCO after they admitted the fictional statelet of East Palestine. So did Canada, which is also thinking about quitting the anti-Israel organization. Hey, I’m all for quitting the UN completely, and starting up a new organization called the United Democratic Nations, in which only democracies get a vote. The chance of that happening, of course, is zero. Oh, and the world is all pissed off about Netanyahu speeding up the building in Jerusalem as a result of the PA’s unilateral UNESCO bid. Really? The West is mad at Israel? I’m so surprised to hear that news. No, really. I’m shocked. Look, I’m typing with my shocked expression. I’ll send you a picture, really.

The Religion of Peace firebombs a newspaper: It carried a portrait of Mohammed. And they mocked him. Oh, the horrors!

Another day, another mock-worthy Iranian story: Yes, that’s right, kiddies, the Iranians are considering whipping a few soccer players for “inappropriate” behavior. The inappropriate behavior? A hand on a butt. It’s a good thing the Iranians don’t have American football. There’d be no players left.

Oh, joy! Another flotilla! Yet another flotilla is leaving Turkey, and this time, they’re carrying “symbolic cargo.” Yes, really. Because the blockade is so devastating, they need to carry symbolic cargo to help the poor, poor, suffering Gazans. And what, you may ask, is “symbolic cargo?”

Activists said that the boats were carrying “symbolic cargo,” consisting of $30,000 in medicines as well as activists “committed to nonviolent defense of the flotilla and Palestinian human rights.”

Now, aren’t you sorry you asked?

This entry was posted in Anti-Semitism, Gaza, Iran, Israel, Turkey, United Nations. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Wednesday Briefs

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    For Palis, “symbolic cargo” would be semtex.

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