The crazy day briefs

Suh-LAMMED with things today. Now to see what’s been happening in the world.

Make the effers pay it back: Seriously? Israeli tax dollars paid for commemorative plaques for the six Israeli Arabs who took part in the Gaza Flotilla? Make them pay back the money.

More PA UNESCO fallout: Israel suspended payments to UNESCO. Wait, what? Israel was paying UNESCO to begin with? One of the most anti-Israel organizations in the anti-Israel UN? Seriously? Really. Withdraw. Withdraw. Withdraw. Oh, and Israel stopped transfering taxes collected on behalf of the PA. Say, if they’re so ready for a state, howcome they don’t collect their own damned taxes? Isn’t that one of the major requirements of having a state to begin with?

Really? This is from Laura Rozen? Check for pods, because this is a fairly balanced piece about whether Israel is planning to attack Iran in the near future. I don’t buy that it’s going to happen, no matter what Ha’aretz says, or how many reporters they use to make it look like they know what they’re talking about. Rozen actually supports that with this article. You know how we can tell for sure that the plans are bogus? When Uzi Mahnaimi gets an article in the Telegraph saying an attack is imminent. Just like the last dozen or so imminent attacks on Iran that he wrote breathlessly about in those pages.

This is causing some serious shaking in Iran: Israel test-launched a missile that can carry a nuke and send it right down the Mad Mullahs’ robes. Meantime, the West is ratcheting up the heat. Which makes me think that all this talk of Israel and the U.K. getting ready to attack Iran is meant to scare the UN into tougher sanctions. Which is a win, so keep talking, people.

And just for kicks and giggles: This is how pathetic our Occupy Richmond movement is. They never had more than about 30 people occupying Kanahwa Plaza, and the cops cleaned them out a few days ago. And four of them that were arrested are still in jail–because they have pending charges against them. Morons.

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One Response to The crazy day briefs

  1. Occupy Richmond?? any protest worth its mettle should begin an’ end on Bobby Ukrop’s lawn ..

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