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A classic case of Israeli derangement syndrome: A New Zealand newspaper slimed the dead by claiming that one of the Israeli backpackers killed in the Christchurch earthquake was a Mossad spy. He wasn’t. But that didn’t stop the New Zealand media from spreading the story far and wide, including stories that said the prime minister wasn’t talking about the incident (thereby proving it must be true). Well, he’s talking now, and says it’s a lie. Way to go, New Zealand. Anti-Semitic tropes passed along by major media outlets, picked up by the world press? Priceless.

Of course the Times will find a negative way to portray Israel: Yeah, the Israeli tent cities protesting for cheaper housing are just like the Arab world protests for democracy. Because they’re both held in public.

And a great big welcome to the UN, South Sudan: Now the UN can totally ignore what’s going on in the north. Israel, meanwhile, is sending a great deal of aid to the troubled Christian nation, which is recovering from decades of abuse by the Muslim north. Don’t think anyone will notice.

Say, look who’s in the Arab and Iranian press: Richard Falk, the supposedly non-biased high something-or-other member of the UN human rights contingent, was published in Al Jazeera and the Tehran Times, accusing Israel of sabotaging Gaza flotilla II. they picked up this Foreign Policy Journal article. No wonder, really. He calls Europe and America terrorists in this one—for the bombing of German and Japanese cities during WWII. No word on whether or not he thinks Pearl Harbor was a terrorist attack. Asshole.

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