Terrorists not included

This is what happens when actual activists, not terrorists, are aboard a ship trying to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza.

The Israeli Navy stopped the Gaza-bound flotilla ship Dignite al Karama from reaching the Strip Tuesday afternoon. The Israeli marines met no resistance by the activists.

Around 10:30 am, Israel Navy ships intercepted the French vessel, hailed it and informed it that is was nearing the Gaza blockade lines and must head to Ashdod Port or Egypt.

The Navy stressed that at any time prior to marines boarding the ship, it will allow the vessel to turn around and sail to another destination.

The ship refused to divert its course, prompting IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz to give the Navy the green light to board the vessel.

When the Dignite al Karama was about 12 nautical miles from Gaza, the military hailed in again and told the passengers to prepare for a “calm boarding.” Navy Chief Admiral Eliezer Marom oversaw the operation, which was reportedly over within minutes.

Video at the link. Gee, what a difference it makes when terrorists aren’t lying in wait with clubs, chains, water hoses and guns.

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One Response to Terrorists not included

  1. Cynic says:


    Maybe those “activists” should try a new tourism scheme Sultan Knish has suggested
    Outraged Protest Tours – The Tourism Package for Leftists Who Hate Israel

    The Gaza flotilla and the flytilla may have been failures, but they were also missed opportunities for Israel. It’s no secret that a portion of Israel’s tourist trade comes from “Protest Tourism.” From philosophy students and poetry PhD’s who want a chance to visit the Holy Land, throw some rocks at a soldier and have their pictures taken with AK-47 wielding terrorists. And it’s time that the Israeli tourist industry took their business seriously.

    Rather than profiling them and giving them the heave ho at the airport, why not develop special tourism packages catering to their needs. Happily one company, Outraged Protest Tours is already on it.

    Its left me with a smile for the whole weekend.

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