Oy, what a day

My radiator sprung a leak on the way home from lunch yesterday, and I had the displeasure of dealing with the stupidest effing AAA dispatcher in the history of the world. He asked for my GPS coordinates. I gave them to him. He took twenty minutes to figure out where I was. He wanted to know which was latitude and which was longitude. When I told him what I thought, he told me I was wrong. And yet, I was not the one who took 20 minutes to figure out where I was.

The radiator isn’t even three years old, so my mechanic in Richmond will send it back to the factory and hopefully get me some money back. That’s my fourth radiator, counting the one the factory installed that sprung a leak two months after I bought the car.

For some reason, radiators hate me.

I’m going to have dinner now, and forget the latter half of yesterday ever happened.

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4 Responses to Oy, what a day

  1. Stretch says:

    Ah, good old Chrysler QC. Have your mechanic look for a quality aftermarket radiator vs. a OEM one.
    Examples may be found at:

    Jeep has produced a whole industry of aftermarket manufacturers to chose from.

  2. Jay Tea says:

    Note to self: take New Jersey off the list of “good places to take a leak.”


  3. rdamurphy says:

    Well, it is pretty simple… If you’re in the Western Hemisphere, Longitude is always negative. If you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, Latitude is always positive.

    Not to mention everything in the Continental US is between 25 degrees north to 50 degrees north latitude…

    Or, as Bugs always said: What a maroon!

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