Friday pre-holiday briefs

UN extends mandate of peacekeepers who bailed on Syrian border incursions: I personally don’t see the point in extending the mandate of a group of peacekeepers who flee at the first sign of trouble, but then, I’m not European, or part of the UN, or someone who gets paid by the UN to make sure that people keep on pouring money into groups like these. But don’t worry. If the Syrians attack the border again, UNDOF will be the first ones out. Of the way.

Even the Gazans think Flotilla 2 is lame: See title.

Chavez says doctors removed cancerous tumor from his body: How could they tell?

So who’s up for WWIII? The Obama administration is recognizing the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt. Formal contacts. How great is that? And how long before the administration starts dealing with Hamas, and trying to force Israel to do the same? Genocidal anti-Semitic threats? Pshaw. You’re exaggerating. As for the title, see below.

Iran’s peaceful ballistic missile program: Iran’s been secretly testing ballistic missiles. How long before they can reach the U.S.? Depends. How long is Obama going to be in office? So. Who’s up for WWIII? See below.

Obama’s Big Adventure: Let’s deal with the Taliban! Sure, let’s deal with the facilitators of 9/11. What have we got to lose? We’ll bring our boys home from Afghanistan, save all those billions of dollars, and who cares if the country goes back to the shithole it was on 9/10? Say, you think part of the deal is, “Now remember, don’t attack America until after the 2012 election!”

Okay. So who’s up for WWIII? Because we’re leaving Afghanistan, dealing with the Taliban, recognizing the Muslim Brotherhood, ignoring Iran’s quest for nukes and ballistic missiles (can ICBMs be far behind?), ignoring Hezbollah’s complete dominance of Lebanon, declaring that we’re just ducky with Assad remaining in power in Syria—have I missed anything?

Shyeah. WWIII prep. That’s what they’re going to call the Obama years.

Pessimistic much? Yeah, I am.

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One Response to Friday pre-holiday briefs

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    The years the locusts ate. That’s how Churchill described the 1930s.

    There is a funny but malicious comment by Evelyn Waugh about Randolph Churchill, Winston’s son, and cancer. Randolph had a tumor removed. The pathology report was that the tumor was benign. Waugh’s comment was that it was a typical triumph of modern sciene to find and remove the only part of Randolph that was not malignant.

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