Your Thursday news roundup

And yet, the word “intolerance” is not paired with “Muslim”: The AP covers Israel’s dwindling Armenian Christian population without really mentioning the elephant in the room except in vague, generalized terms. Although the article does point out that when Jordan took over the eastern half of Jerusalem, most Armenians fled. Gee. Why was that, I wonder? Also, that since Israel has been in control of Jerusalem, the Armenian population expanded. Hm. Why is that, I wonder? The AP doesn’t answer, although it does use the phrase “caught between Jews and Muslims” to accuse Israel of being just as intolerant to Armenian Christians. Of course. It’s just the same as the famous tolerance for other religions that the Christians of Egypt are currently experiencing. And by “tolerance” I do mean “intolerance.”

Oil prices are falling: Did you know that the price of oil is sliding down again? I noticed that gas didn’t shoot up this week, and started wondering. Yep. It’s taking a bit of a dive. Here’s hoping it stays that way. Commodities are falling. Investors are heading towards cash. Hmmmmm.

Flashback to 1982: Syrian forces are surrounding Hama. They killed over 10,000 citizens back then. How many will Bashar Assad kill? Although, there is one bright bit of news: Even the thugs on the UNHRC won’t have Syria on it while it’s murdering civilians blatantly.

It’s an AP news record: I could not find a single, solitary anti-Israel line in this AP story about restoring a famous graffiti from the Israeli War of Independence. Kudos to the writer and editor.

Oh, that symbol is totally a Zionist symbol now: We now have proof that the Mossad designed the U.K.’s 2012 Olympic insignia as an insult to Palestinians. The Mossad is training U.K. security for the Olympics. I told you we Jews are wily.

No, it’s not Iseema’s Diary: They got Osama bin Laden’s journal in the intelligence hoarde. So far, no word on Iseema’s Diary, but I’ll get in touch with my sources and see what I can come up with. Hm. One of bin Laden’s “sons” escaped, did he? I think Iseema was there.

Pat Buchanan will be so sad today: John Demjanjuk was convicted of Nazi war crimes after decades of trying to claim his innocence. Cue the neo-Nazis and Buchanan freaks in my comments in 3, 2, 1…

This entry was posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias, Middle East, Religion, Syria, United Nations. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to Your Thursday news roundup

  1. while hardly a “Buchanan freak,” i am dismayed by Germany’s continued inability to accept responsibility for the Holocaust. i mean, blaming a *Slav*? didn’t enough of them suffer under the Nazis? i guess things haven’t changed much over there in the past 70 years ..

  2. They’re not blaming him. They charged him with crimes he was found guilty of. But yes, they should have arrested a hell of a lot more of their own citizens, as well as finding the ones that fled to South America.

  3. Stretch says:

    For a depressingly detailed account of the interactions of Germans, Serbs, Poles, Russians, et. al. during the mass killings of … well, damn near everyone read Bloodlands: Europe between Hitler and Stalin by Timothy Snyder.
    Warning: not to be read in one sitting unless you’ve lots of anti-depressants (or Scotch) on hand.

  4. there are so *many* depressingly detailed accounts .. including John Loftus’ The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People. some other personalities whose legacies are in sore need of revision are the Dulles brothers. while at the law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell, doing business with the Nazis was seen as “good business.” well, regardless of their “intentions,” they made their deal with the Devil and future generations ought to know this.

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