Nighttime briefs

Interpreting the Times, so you don’t have to. Shorter Gail Collins: If only ten percent get to dictated American policy, then by Gaia, it had better be the ten percent that the elites (David Brooks’ “educated class“) are in!

Smells like Hezbollah to me: An Israeli embassy convoy was bombed today, and only sheer luck kept anyone from being killed. My money’s on Hezbollah. Although, according to Ahmadinejad, we can’t rule out the Mossad, because this bombing was in “Zionist style” as well.

What’s the opposite of Holocaust denial? This is huge. The Catholic priest who has been investigating mass graves throughout Europe says that he has found the undocumented mass graves of another 1.5 million Jews in eastern Europe. And hey, he’s got no dog in this fight, so the deniers are going to have a really hard time with this.

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4 Responses to Nighttime briefs

  1. wolfwalker says:

    Re: the priest’s discoveries. Yeah, I’d call that huge, all right. But … maybe I’m seeing something that isn’t there, but this line:

    The German policemen used one bullet per Jew, Desbois said

    jumped out at me. I can’t tell if this is a quote, or a paraphrase by the article-writer. In either case, why “one bullet per Jew”? Why not “one bullet per victim” or “one bullet per person”? It’s almost as if, even in the middle of an article documenting a new phase of this horror, someone felt an impulse to belittle or minimize the atrocities being described.

  2. Gary Rosen says:

    In his book “Hitler and Stalin” historian Alan Bullock had an appendix that gave low and high estimates for the number of Jews killed in each country during WWII. The low estimates totaled about 5.6 million, the high estimates totaled over 6.9 million.

  3. Y says:

    speaking of the holocaust, why haven’t any jewish blogs been saying something in honour of miep gies? her death hasn’t even warranted a mention anywhere? that is sad, she was a hero.

  4. Kevin/Chaim says:

    #1 Wolfwalker — In this case, considering the source, I would take Fr. Desbois’ using the words “one bullet per Jew” instead of one bullet “per victim” or “per person,” as emphasizing that the victims were chosen because they were Jews. That Fr. Desbois is doing this ghastly research suggests to me that for him Jews have special significance as God’s people, the attempt to exterminate them having theological significance over and above mass murder. No minimization intended, quite the contrary.

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