
The internet turns women into psychos! Yes, really. I read it on the internet, so it has to be true.

Can we tell Turkey to eff off now? So Danny Ayalon apologizes to the Turkish ambassador, and that should be an end to it. Except the Turks are still pissed, and won’t forgive Israel. Gee, big surprise. And may I say, the “honor/shame” culture is about the most childish culture I can think of, next to tribalism. Say, what countries are the most tribal and practice honor/shame? What’s that you say? The ones responsible for nearly all of the world’s terrorism? No!

Remote-controlled bombs are now “Zionist style”: Who knew? The fact that the remote-controlled vehicle bomb is a favorite weapon of terrorists all over the world—including Iranian terrorists—doesn’t seem to sink in when you’re a demagogue, as is Mad Mahmoud.

Dogpile on the Israelis: And now, the Catholic bishops add their two cents to Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians. No word from them on Muslim treatment of Israeli Christians. Update: Oops, my mistake. They’re blaming the plight of Israel’s Christians on Israel. But of course.

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One Response to Briefs

  1. I’m remound of the time Iran/Hamas blew up Elie Hobeika (every schoolchild knows this fact!).

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