European cultural superiority

The next time someone tries to tell you how culturally superior Europe is to us, send them to YouTube to see the entries in this year’s Eurovision contest.

Pay particular attention to the Russian entry. It won.

Snoopy, if you can enlighten me as to what on earth the ice skater is supposed to represent, I’d be grateful. If you want to see the Russian entry in its entirety, feel free. I’m thinking there isn’t a single straight man in that video, but hey, book, cover, etc.

As for the rest, well, check out Estonia and Belgium. Oh. My. God.

I’ll be discussing the Eurovision contest in my upcoming Shire Network News contribution.

Oh, I almost forgot: I have something in the recent SNN, which is actually hosted from the Shire this week. I’ll split out my essay later this weekend.

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4 Responses to European cultural superiority

  1. Don’t even ask me. I have given up on this crapola about 20 years ago. Looking for a good song at Eurovision is quite a futile occupation.

    And that Russian song sounds painfully familiar, although my musical ear wasn’t implanted yet. And re the skater – dunno, maybe next time they will bring a squadron of Sukhoi-27s. Or a few trained bears?


  2. Maggie45 says:

    Holy Mother! That Russian singer was BAREFOOT on ice. The whole thing was WEIRD!

  3. Bob says:

    Estonia ROCKS!!! Three uni-brow telatubbies slow-mo hula-hooping — it just don’t get no better than that!

  4. Rahel says:

    Maggie45, there is a substance that small rinks use as an alternative to ice. I’ve seen it, though I don’t know what it is.

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