Terrorists terrorize Purim festival in southern Israel

The terrorists achieved their goal on Friday, sending 600 people running for cover as the Color Red alert sounded.

Palestinian terror groups launched three Qassam rockets from northern Gaza towards Israel on Friday afternoon, as residents of southern Israel celebrated the Purim holiday in street shows and fairs.

And they almost hit one of their own, again, because they truly don’t care whom they hurt, so long as they achieve their goal: Which is to push Israelis out of Israel.

One of the rockets reportedly landed on the Palestinian side of the security fence along the border between Gaza and Israel, security forces are currently deployed to locate the other two rockets. No injuries have been reported and no damage was caused.

They held their fire while John McCain visited Sderot. Gee. I wonder why. Couldn’t be because Hamas told them they couldn’t, could it?

In Kibbutz Alumim a panic broke out as Color Red rocket sirens sounded, sending the assembled crowd of some 600 people running for cover. “It was very unpleasant. Many of the participants aren’t from the area and came here to visit, they grew frightened and left very quickly,” said one of the festival-goers.

“It was very sad to see the panic that was created. Afterwards it (the festival) just didn’t go back to normal. Unfortunately our enemies just won’t leave us alone,” he said.

Actually, they will, if the government finds the stones to do what needs to be done and send the IDF into Gaza in force. Apparently, 900 rocket attacks in three months doesn’t count as a good enough reason to clean out the terrorists.

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