A message of tolerance from a Christian

CNET discusses German Jews’ attempt to get YouTube to remove Nazi propaganda from its ranks. The commenters take this opportunity—of course—to bash the Jews. But not in the way you think. No, on the eve of Good Friday, one of our tolerant Christian friends chooses to point out that, gee, it’s always a good time to blame the Jews.

Let the Central Council of Jews in Germany view / not view, and / or post, what they want; and let all others view / not view, and / or post, what they want. With regards to … ‘Honestly, killing people because of their religion is pretty lame.’ – I agree; especially with tomorrow being ‘Good Friday’ – the day that Jesus died at the hands of the Jews.

Yeah, you gotta love the attitude that blames the Jews for killing Jesus, even though they’re taught that Jesus had to die to save their sins.

Once again, however, The Exception Clause corollary is proven: In any internet discussion involving religion, politics, or Jews, the probability of it devolving into anti-Semitism is 100%.

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7 Responses to A message of tolerance from a Christian

  1. Long_Rifle says:

    As a Christian I always felt that since Jesus was a JEW himself the whole “killing him” thing should count as Jew on Jew violence so it was none of my concern.

    Though please don’t say that to most other Christians, as Jesus being a JEW doesn’t sit well with them.

    And that fact that they worship the Hebrew God is kinda “not their thing” either…

  2. If my people killed Jesus, then that makes us pretty badass.

    I’d suggest to this guy that he not sleep well at night.

    We could be watching him.

  3. Michael Lonie says:

    Christians never seem to hold it against the Romans or Italians that it was Roman soldiers who nailed Jesus to the cross and taunted him. It was the Romans who killed Jesus, not the powerless Jews of Roman governed Judea.

  4. Michael Z says:

    Unfortunately some Christians are nuts.
    Anybody needing evidence of that statement need only look at Obama’s church in Chicago. Anti-semitism is a sin, plain and simple. At least that is what I was taught in Catholic school. Of course I have been told by other Christians that the Catholic Church is a evil cult. As I said some Christians are nuts. God bless, Meryl.

  5. Michael Lonie says:

    Some Jews are nuts too. We just don’t often go around killing people to assuage our nuttiness. Christians also do it a lot less than they used to. But if the media types, who diss Christians and Christianity while fawning over Islam or censoring themselves out of terror at what some Muslim fanatic might do to them, keep it up they might find Christian fanatics emulating the Jihadists someday. After all, violence and intimidation seem to work pretty well for the Jihadists to stop “insults to Islam and the Prophet.” It’s a rare editor or writer who has the courage of Flemming Rose to confront the jihadists.

  6. Bob says:

    No Jew took Y’shua’s life – just as he said himself:
    Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. … (John 10:17-18a)

    Christianity is brotherhood with a Jew. No one who hates Jews is brother to that Jew who sacrificed his own life to deliver us from slavery to hatred.

  7. Jesus died because of my sins. I killed him. So did everyone else. That’s my Christian theology. It was, is and will remain wrong for any of my Christian brethren of any Christian sect to believe the tenets of or practice anti-semitism.


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