Podcast request

Folks, I do not have a good audio program that captures online video and gives me good mp3 files. If anyone out there has a good program like that, and would like to take a few minutes to help me with this week’s podcast, I could use some quotes from Christiane Amanpour. Here are a few places to start… and especially here, since Dan Abrams did half my work for me. I’m looking for the kind of drek that Abrams pointed out.

All I need are about ten or fifteen different quotes… I’ll probably use five or six. If you do capture and send quotes, you may want to post in the comments section here. Mp3s tend to be about 1 meg per minute.

I just realized that now my finances are finally leveling out, I should be able to buy a good program. The one I want is the one that’s for Macs. Alas, I have no Mac.

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