Video links

Omri wants to know why this search term showed up on his blog. I have nothing to hide, as I am famously camera-shy. There are some early eight-millimeters in existence of me at my cousins’ parties, but unless you want to see me bugging the hell out of my brother with a party noisemaker at the age of ten or so, it simply won’t thrill you. Nope, no videos of me out there.

You might also want to read Omri’s post about me and cats. It’s pretty funny. Wrong, but funny.

This guy has a very, very funny video. The first one seems like something it’s not. Trust me, watch it to the end, and you will laugh very loudly.

There’s a new blog in town: Isreali, and it’s the first official blog from the State of Israel. Lots of videos, lots of stories, and get out the hankies if you read this one.

And they have Sumo wrestlers floating in the Dead Sea. Yes, Sumo wrestlers. (There is simply no way that thing they wear can be comfortable. Ew.)

Oh, man. I REALLY want to visit Israel. Like, tomorrow. No, wait. Not ’til Gracie’s better.

And last, but not least, my brother sent this hilarious video. It’s called PMS Survival Tips, and it’s a parody of the 1950s teaching films. Utterly. Hilarious.

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2 Responses to Video links

  1. Harry says:

    If you want to visit Israel, may I highly recommend the Sar El program. I spent three weeks on it. I can’t give you any US info for it as I went from Canada, but ask around, the Rabbi, or the Israel consolate should be able to steer you.

  2. Rahel says:

    What Harry said. Emphatically. I did Sar-El several times, some during its early years, and loved it.

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