Doldrums and carnivals

I have ’em.

I’d like to lose them, please.

The doldrums, not the carnivals.

Haveil Havalim

Carnival of the Cats

Feel free to add links to the comments here. It might get me out of the doldrums.

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2 Responses to Doldrums and carnivals

  1. Janet says:

    Meryl Yourish should not frown,
    She should not let doldrums get her down,
    Hers is the blog we love to read,
    A daily fix is what we need.

    Meryl has two beautiful cats,
    A yellow jeep and many hats,
    And a sense of humor and lots of friends,
    I hope those doldrums get the bends!

    Okay, it makes no sense, but it rhymes and I have to go to a meeting.

  2. Aww. Thanks, Janet. That did make me smile this morning.

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