Friday they just want peace briefs

Sure, the Palestinians want to live in peace with Israel: That’s why they attacked the paramedics who arrived to help their women who got into an accident. Take note: The attackers were Arab Israelis who live in East Jerusalem.

News you don’t hear in the MSM: Say, did you know that the head of Egypt’s Military Council effectively threatened Israel? Of course you didn’t. Because that’s not in the narrative. It is only Israeli threats that are reported. And those are the ones made by politicians with no real backing. Because the narrative says that Israel wants war, and its neighbors want peace, no matter how many times they attack Israel.

Today’s winner of the Keen Grasp of the Obvious Award: The UN. For this:

UN: Monitors alone cannot end Syria bloodshed

Ya think? UN monitors can’t stop Hezbollah from turning southern Lebanon into a war staging zone. Nor could they stop a genocide in Rwanda. Hell, the Boy Scouts would be more effective than the UN.

Boy, am I glad I got my 401K out of the European markets: Get ready, world. Greece already voted in the neo-Nazis, France thinks going back to socialism is going to work, and Europe is filled with immigrants (a.k.a. Muslims from various Arab nations) who are going to feel the brunt of Europe’s bloodthirstiness. There are almost no Jews left, thanks to the last time Europe got bloodthirsty. I have been saying for years that Mark Steyn is wrong about the Islamicization of Europe. What I think will happen is that Europeans will turn nasty again, and Muslims will be their target this time, not Jews. Well, Jews too, the few that are left. When the Euro Zone falls apart, you’ll see who’s right, me or him. I hope we’re both wrong, because people are going to die either way.

Another defamatory cover story about Israel in Time: Yeah, I know, I repeat myself. But now they’re going with the “King Bibi” meme. And while they play lip service to whether this can be a good thing, you know what their conclusion will be without even looking. Just remember: This is the magazine that brought you Menachem Begin (rhymes with Fagin) in an article titled “The World: KIND…HONEST…DANGEROUS’ “. Time magazine: Slanting the news against Israel for more than 35 years.

Just in case you thought Hamas was moderating: Read this interview of Mahmoud al-Zahar and you’ll see that they are not.

euronews: “Let’s be clear. If Iran was attacked, would Hamas remain silent or take military action.”

Mahmoud al-Zahar: “I will not answer that question.”

Yeah, and the MSM pretends that Hamas said it won’t attack Israel on Iran’s orders.

This entry was posted in Hamas, Israel, Media Bias, palestinian politics, United Nations, World. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Friday they just want peace briefs

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    It is such a good line that even I feel guilty stealing it but I can’t recall where I read it:

    “Europe used to have a minority that was generally hardworking, creative, and law-abiding. They killed it. Now Europe has the minority group it deserves.”

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