Thursday AYFKM?! briefs

The U.N. General Assembly confirms that it is a nest of despicable human beings: The United Nations General Assembly approved the request for a moment of silence in honor of the passing of Kim Jong-il, a mass murderer who may be responsible for the starvation and deaths of millions of North Koreans. Is there no tyrant the UN won’t kiss up to? Is there no mass murderer that can’t get some form of respectable notice by the General Assembly? Disgusting. Dis. Gus. Ting.

Good: Israel cancelled a defense deal with Turkey, recognizing that Turkey is now a hostile state and that helping them militarily is a foolish thing to do. Can’t wait to hear from Leon Panetta about building bridges with Turkey again. ‘Cause it’s not like their defense minister didn’t brag about bringing Israel to its knees, or anything like that. Oh. Wait.

A blueprint for terror: Hamas, PIJ, and other terrorist groups are all set to join the PLO in the name of “unity.” In reality, they’re going to join the PLO and continue their war on Israel, but now Mahmoud Abbas will be able to say he has no control over Hamas, just like Arafat did all those years ago. It’s a fiction, of course. Abbas met with the unrepentant Palestinian terrorist who lured a teenager to his death, and who says she’d like to kill more Israelis. Today. Not long in the past. He met her Tuesday. Of course, the Netanyahu government is slamming the deal as proof that Abbas is moving away from peace. We have yet to hear a peep out of the EU or the Obama administration. They’re going to blame Israel for refusing to deal with Abbas. Just watch. When even the AP recognizes that this is a problem due to Hamas’ insistence on, you know, eliminating Israel, well–this is not a good thing.

The deal to admit Hamas into the Fatah-dominated Palestine Liberation Organization could have deep repercussions. Hamas has opposed the peace talks and rejects Israel’s right to exist. A strong Hamas voice in the group would further complicate the already troubled Mideast diplomatic process.

[…] Hamas overran Gaza in 2007, and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who is also the head of Fatah, has ruled only the West Bank since then. The division has been an obstacle in peacemaking efforts with Israel, since Abbas does not speak for all the Palestinians.

A full reconciliation could solve that — or it could put Hamas in charge.


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One Response to Thursday AYFKM?! briefs

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    Sooner or later they will fall just as the Hellenists and Haman disappeared from the world stage.

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