Post T-day briefs

Faster on that Leviathan field, please: Jihadis blew up the Sinai gas line again. (By the way, morons, you also deprive Jordan of gas and Egypt of desperately-needed money.) And they’re apparently massing to fight their fellows for a change, not Israel. And Tahrir Square is filling with protesters again. Awesome job the Obama administration is doing with the foreign policy thing.

This is why I don’t shop on Black Friday: Seriously? Pepper spraying fellow shoppers so you can get what you want? Seriously? And at a Wal-mart? Puh-leeze.

Meanwhile, back in Hizballahland Lebanon: The Lebanese prime minister is showing an extraordinary level of ballsiness, insisting he’ll quit if the Hizballah-allied cabinet cuts off funding for the Hariri tribunal. Interesting. So is this IDF assessment that the Lebanese army will fight alongside Hizballah in the next war. I don’t think they realize what that means. The devastation they saw in the Shia areas of Beirut is going to look like a picnic compared with an all-out war with Lebanon.

Meanwhile, back in Lebanon’s master’s state: The Arab League passed an ultimatum on Syrian violence yesterday. The deadline passed. The Arab League voted to extend the ultimatum today. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that Syria’s going to ignore that one, too.

Wow, it’s totally non-useful! The UN voted to frown heavily in North Korea’s direction with a non-binding GA resolution. I’m going to guess that nobody is going to accuse North Korea of being in violation of non-binding UN resolutions the way the world accuses Israel of being in violation of non-binding resolutions (and rulings! cf: The Hague, Separation Fence). I suppose we should be happy that the UN is noting the real human rights violators, but then, they still have most of them on the UN Human Rights Council, so, really, what’s the point?

This entry was posted in American Scene, Israel, Lebanon, Middle East, Syria, Terrorism, United Nations. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Post T-day briefs

  1. Eric J says:

    Do you read Spengler? However bad you think things are in Egypt, they’re probably worse:

    Egypt imports more than half of it’s food. And not in a free-market way, in a government dole way. They are rapidly running out of the money they use to buy that food (and much of the food they buy is predictably getting stolen and resold on the black market.)

  2. Cynic says:

    (By the way, morons, you also deprive Jordan of gas and Egypt of desperately-needed money.)
    That’s OK cause those who suffer, the starving masses, are automatically shahids.
    They’ll cut off their noses to spite their faces and use their cultural inhumanity to lie away their losses.

  3. Yeah, I read him from time to time. Israel is in for a rough ride these next few years.

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