OMG! Israel’s going to attack Iran! And so’s the U.K.!

Told you they were blowing smoke.

In fact, this story is full of holes.

First, Israel has decided not to attack Iran–a point I’m making due both to direct knowledge and direct statements, a few of them made publicly, by those involved in the debate. The reasons for this decision make sense but I won’t list them here to save your time.

Second, there is no new development to prompt such an attack. On the contrary, all of the reports have been about the slow pace of Iranian progress toward obtaining deliverable nuclear weapons. There is no urgency in such an operation.

Third, all the reasons for not attacking Iran are stronger than ever. Israel can expect little international support, the moves toward radicalism in Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Tunisia, and Turkey (plus a heightened risk-taking by a shaky Syrian regime) make the environment for such an attack far more dangerous for Israel than a year or two ago. And again there is no vital incentive for launching such an attack.

Jackson Diehl says so, too.

In reality, Israel is unlikely to launch any attack without the support of the United States, which could easily be drawn into the regional conflict an air strike would trigger. Like the Israeli military establishment, the Pentagon opposes any such venture — and it’s hard to imagine President Obama signing on. If he acts in the coming weeks or months, Netanyahu would risk a rupture in the alliance that is the ultimate guarantor of Israeli security.

The new burst of speculation, like those before it, does serve a couple of purposes for Israel, however. It refocuses attention on the Iranian threat, and takes it away from the Palestinian bid for statehood at the United Nations; it raises the pressure on the United States and its allies to increase sanctions and other nonmilitary pressure on Tehran.

I can’t see Obama signing on for this, either.

So there you have it, it’s unanimous. The Guardian’s story was effing unbelievable, right down to the “Israel controls the U.S.” bullshit:

Washington has been warned by Israel against leaving any military action until it is too late.

Western intelligence agencies say Israel will demand that the US act if it believes its own military cannot launch successful attacks to stall Iran’s nuclear programme. A source said the “Israelis want to believe that they can take this stuff out”, and will continue to agitate for military action if Iran continues to play hide and seek.

Do you see a bit of ZOG in that paragraph? I do. But then, it’s the Guardian, the most anti-Israel newspaper in the U.K.

To sum up: Don’t believe the hype. There will be signs if there ever is an attack on Iran. All of the major news media will break into whatever you’re watching with the news that Iran was attacked.

Seriously? Do they really think that Israel, the U.S., and the U.K. are going to telegraph an attack? Now that would be the dumbest move of all.

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