Monday blah briefs

Israel Derangement Syndrome strikes again: A bunch of Turks decided to hack into Israeli websites and leave anti-Israel (and anti-Armenia and anti-Greece) messages. Except they’re so effing stupid, they hacked Palestinian websites. Apparently, these eyleet hak0rz d00dz didn’t notice the .ps extension. Brilliant work, guys! Thanks for the laugh!

Yes, they’d totally have dinner with Hitler: Columbia is hosting Mad Mahmoud again, and making no apologies for it. They’re even hosting a dinner for him with some of the students. I’d go, if I could bring my .38. Or at least an aluminum baseball bat.

Shut up, they replied: The UN has banned UN Watch from attending Durban III. Why? Because they can’t stand the truth, that’s why. Time to cut our dues to the UN.

Astroturfing the anti-Israel riots? Al-Ahram says that the Egyptians who rioted at the Israeli embassay were paid by a wealthy Egyptian to do it. This isn’t passing my smell test. I need to see more information on it. It’s awfully convenient for the government to blame someone for the riot, instead of general anti-Israel hatred that has been fomented these past sixty-plus years—by the government. Chickens, roosting, etc.

Why the Palestinian UN debacle is all Obama’s fault: I’m not arguing. Read it all.

Barry Rubin defends a Democrat: If you’ve read that statement by Henry Waxman about Jews voting against Obama “to protect their wealth,” then read Barry’s defense of Waxman. The statement was taken out of context. But it still sucked, and Barry tells you why.

This entry was posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, The One, Turkey, United Nations. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Monday blah briefs

  1. Soccerdad says:

    Is it possible that the wealthy Egyptian was someone connected to the Mubarak regime? If so sponsoring the riots might be – in his eyes – a way expiating his sins and avoiding a trial.

    Here was a neat defense of Waxman.

  2. It’s possible, but considering Al-Ahram is a state-run newspaper, I really suspect its motives on discovering that some rich guy paid the rioters.

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