Wednesday briefs

Where’s your peace with Israel now, Sandmonkey? I never believed the Egyptian Sandmonkey when he said that Egyptians didn’t hate Israelis. Turns out I wasn’t wrong. They hate Israelis. Big time.

YES! I can keep my Five Faves: The government is saying no to an AT&T-T-Mobile merger. That’s great, because I don’t want AT&T service.

You know what? I don’t care: The AP profiles Gaddafi’s daughter, who (shed a tear now) had to give birth somewhere in the Sahara Desert. Honestly, I don’t give a shit if all the Gaddafis are thrown to the crows. And this is why I don’t care:

Aisha Gadhafi is a lawyer in her mid-30s who helped in the defense of toppled Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein in the trial that led to his hanging. She is reported to already have three children, making Tuesday’s birth her fourth.

She had cultivated an image of caring about ordinary Libyans, but neighbors said she had razed a local clinic to make room for her luxurious home.

You reap what you sow, sweetie. You sowed death and destruction, or stood by while your family did. Screw you.

Because you can always count on condemning Israel: Just for kicks and giggles, I went to the Human Rights Watch Israel page to see how busy they are condemning Israel, compared with, say, condemning Syria. Here’s what you get for news on the Middle East/North Africa:

Iraqi Kurdistan: Prominent Kurdish Journalist Assaulted
Libya: Evidence Suggests Khamis Brigade Killed 45 Detainees
Libya: Gaddafi Forces Suspected Of Executing Detainees
Libya: Ensure Transition Respects Human Rights
Syria: UN Team Should Insist on Protection of Protesters
Morocco: Allow Political Exile to Return Home
Gaza: Stop Harassing Activists
Libya: All Sides Obligated to Protect Civilians
Organization of Islamic Cooperation: Act Swiftly to Rein in Syria
Israel: Attacks in South Unlawfully Target Civilians

Damn, they’re so tough on Syria, which is murdering civilians every single day. Why, they’re just as tough on Syria as they ever were on Israel. Oh. Wait. Never mind. Update: Oops, they’re actually condemning the terrorists in that last release on Israel. HRW seems to have managed to shift its focus to the actual human rights abusers in the Middle East for a change.

This entry was posted in Gaza, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Middle East, Syria. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Wednesday briefs

  1. Soccerdad says:

    If you follow the New York Times, they’re now so anti-Qaddafi. Of course that wasn’t always so. Back in April the Times featured this lovely profile of Aisha in the building of her “charitable” foundation.

    Aisha el-Qaddafi, the daughter of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi of Libya, likes to tell her three young children bedtime stories about the afterlife. Now, she says, they are especially appropriate.

    “To make them ready,” she said, “because in a time of war you never know when a rocket or a bomb might hit you, and that will be the end.”

    In a rare interview at her charitable foundation here, Ms. Qaddafi, 36, a Libyan-trained lawyer who once worked on Saddam Hussein’s legal defense team, offered a glimpse into the fatalistic mind-set of the increasingly isolated family at the core of the battle for Libya, the bloodiest arena in the democratic uprising that is sweeping the region.

    Lovely isn’t it? Out of curiosity she has four children but there’s no mention of a husband. Curious.

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