Tuesday HulkMS briefs

Thanks, and don’t let the door hit you in the ass: Now that Western nations have helped get rid of Nutcase Gaddafi, they want us out yesterday. You’re welcome.

Now this is a brilliant idea: The IDF is training “settler” security forces on crowd-control methods in anticipation of thousands of Palestinians storming Israeli towns in the West Bank come their September faux push for statehood.

Why I call it the faux push for statehood: Abbas doesn’t really want a state. He wants Israel demonized, isolated, and eventually, defeated.

The Sinai terror threat remains: Israel has sent two warships to its border with Egypt, and the AP publishes an almost-balanced news article about it. They forgot to name Israel’s home front minister. Here, AP, let me help you: His name is Matan Vilnai, and when you start naming your Israeli sources as often as you name Palestinian sources, I’ll declare the AP a balanced news organization. And not until.

Hamas puts new restrictions on Gazans; world yawns in response: Yeah, yeah, yeah, NGOs are reacting in “horror,” and yet, they’re not going to do anything at all. Hamas is creating an Islamist-based police state in Gaza, but the world is going to go through the motions of declaring the fictional statelet of East Palestine in a few weeks, even as they ignore the 1.5 million Palestinians in the fictional statelet of West Palestine, no matter what new restrictions Hamas dreams up. Just watch. They’ll put out statements, but do nothing. If the NGOs really wanted to stop Hamas, they’d withdraw all funding, immediately, and watch the Palestinians finally rise up against their terror masters.

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