Tuesday, snarkly

How do YOU like it? Syria is suffering from its very own War of Attrition. Shoe’s on the other foot, and it don’t feel so good, does it? Sometimes, I think that God is a master of irony. (But not Juvenile Scorn. That would be me.)

Yeah, he died of Assaditis: Syria’s Defense Minister is fired on Monday, dead on Tuesday. Baby Assad is getting worried, methinks. Good.

Seriously? The Lebanon Daily Star headline is the most balanced on this story? Seriously? No, seriously. (The AFP deleted “to protect” from this headline. Anti-Israel bias? Yeah, they has it.

Dogpile on Assad! Dogpile on Assad! The Saudis pile on. The Arab League, the Saudis, various Muslim clerics… dare we hope that the Dorktator’s days are numbered?

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