
Even MORE gas in the Tamar field: Yes, Israel is going to be energy self-sufficient. And yes, terrorists will try to blow up the pipeline.

And in other minor news, 1 million Syrians can’t be wrong: That’s how many came out against the Dorktator in Syrian cities on Friday. I love how the world media flooded the zone with the border incursions on Israel, but they just put out the yawn-of-the-day news about yet another demonstration, yet another murder of civilians by Iranian Hizbollah Syrian soldiers. And as long as the world refuses to speak up firmly (and maybe actually help the rebels), the Dorktator will remain.

Awesome. UNIFIL does the sea: Because UNIFIL is so helpful on land, they’re trying to set up some kind of UNIFIL “naval security strip“. Guess what happens the next time a Gaza flotilla arrives? Oh, this is going to be so much fun!

UN tells Lebanon they’re years behind Israel in energy exploration: What, only seven years behind Israel? Gee, if only they’d concentrated on something besides destroying Israel, maybe they’d have their own gas fields to work. But then, the “resistance” is all. Just ask Hassan Nasrallah, if you can find him in one of his many safe house hidey-holes.

One for the Rebel Alliance: Looks like one of Darth Vader’s big boys was killed by the rebels. Oh, wait. Translated: Kurdish rebels took out a big shot in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. Go, Kurds!

This entry was posted in Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Middle East, Syria, United Nations. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Briefly

  1. Herschel says:

    In my local rag, the Minneapolis Star/Tribune internet site, they post an AP “news” article about Syrian massacres for an hour or so, then it is gone, with no comments by the resident anti-Israel gang, contrast this to whenever Israel is mentioned on their site for hours at a time, and twenty or more hate Israel comments ensue.
    I typically post the below message just for my own edification.
    “Once again, more brutal killings by an Arab regime and no one cares, very little media coverage, and no emergency UN meetings or even condemnation. Contrast this with what happens when Israel defends itself against terror attack! Even the resident Hamas supporters lurking on this site do not care to comment when Arab countries brutalize and kill their own people.”

  2. Michael Lonie says:

    Oil and gas has been at best a mixed blessing for the Arab countries that have those. resources In many ways oil wealth is a curse for them. I hope Israel will not be ruined by the new found hydrocarbon wealth.

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