Thursday briefs

Ah, you can always count on the AP to pass along the new Hamas strategy: Old Hamas approach: Hands-on government. New Hamas approach: Pretend you’re not really governing even while flooding the parliament with your candidates. And it’s working so well! Just read this account of the youth in Gaza, longing to be free. It barely even mentions Israel. Sadly, this new “strategy” will be enough for the EU to decided that Hamas has moderated. Wait for it.

Iranian nukes: They’re only a day away. Well, not really. But they’ll be here soon. The world has let an Islamist theocracy, whose leaders believe that the Mahdi will only arrive if the world is in chaos, create nuclear weapons. Gee, what does it mean when the Iranian Revolutionary Guard puts out an article praising nuclear bomb testing?

You’re paying more for your oil, infidels: The oil ticks couldn’t agree on raising production limits, so they’re raising the price of oil instead. Here’s a tip for you all: Buy gift cards at Kroger. Double points normally, quadruple points for another week or so. And to the Israeli researcher who’s going to discover the true alternative fuel: Faster, please.

Russia to world: Yeah, we’re still the bear in the room. Russia’s going to veto the UN Security Council resolution condemning Syria. Gee. Shocking. Who would have guessed that Russia doesn’t care about thousands of civilian deaths by the forces of a repressive dictator?

This entry was posted in Hamas, Middle East, palestinian politics, United Nations. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Thursday briefs

  1. MSimon says:

    We need to hurry this along to cut oil for transportation needs by 2X to 5X.

    Wave Engines

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