Lunchtime briefs

Why do one-in-five American voters now believe Osama bin Laden is still alive? Because they’re effing stupid. Seriously? Okay. Because they have shit-for-brains. (P.S.: It’s a Zogby poll, so don’t believe the figures are that high.)

Claire Berlinski discovers Israeli Double Standard Time: See title.

Funny, few headlines for Egypt firing on protesters, either: Yep. Israeli Double Standard Time is in full swing today. Hundreds arrested and wounded, and the headlines are not nearly as easy to find as the stories about yesterday’s invasions of Israel by Syrian and Lebanese Palestinians and friends.

The only puzzle in this article is the question mark at the end of the headline: Of course Iranians are helping Syrians put down the protests. They need Syria more than ever, now that they have Egypt heading their way. This is not a good time for Israel. Here’s hoping the Islamists are biting off more than they can chew, and that people get used to democracy. Not that I’m optimistic. Just hoping.

This entry was posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias, Middle East, palestinian politics, Turkey. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Lunchtime briefs

  1. Veeshir says:

    Why do one-in-five American voters now believe Osama bin Laden is still alive?

    That’s actually a little low. You can usually depend on between 20 and 25% in any poll to believe in anything from vampires to honest politicians.

  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    I think it is more a matter of people having been conditioned to believe that any claim by a politician that cannot be absolutely proven must be false. Having seen all the spy movies and soap operas that always show the villain surviving for the sequel, of course the script would have Bin Laden manage to “come back” for the next episode. Besides, it was Barak Obama who told everyone that Bin Laden was dead. That, by itself, is evidence that he is still alive.

  3. mrzee says:

    How many Americans actually believe Bin Laden is Elvis? :-)

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