Monday news briefing

About damn time he got it right: Word is Obama won’t focus heavily on Palestinian-Israeli peace talks as an issue for his big Middle East policy speech this week. Perhaps someone finally noticed that even though the media narrative pushes it, the biggest thing happening in the Middle East right now is not the problems between Israel and Arab Palestinians. It’s the problems between Arabs and their rulers (and Persians and their rulers).

Things you’ll never read in the mainstream press: A Druze resident of the town flooded by Syrian “protesters” yesterday praised the IDF’s actions.

“Though the soldiers were pelted by stones from both sides at once, and despite there being a number of injuries among them, I heard a commander ordering them to refrain from firing at protesters at all costs,” Ali, a Majdal Shams resident, told Ynet after witnessing the events.

He added that the soldiers fired into the air at first and then, only when the rioters began closing in on all sides, did they begin to fire at their feet. “The restraint shown by the IDF today brought peace this evening. It could have ended very differently,” he said.

So, who thinks the UNHRC will be slamming Israel for the IDF reaction to yesterday’s border invasions? Israel will be filing a complaint with the UN against Syria and Lebanon for the border incursions, but when has the UN cared for the Israeli side of the story? 1948 was it, baby. As for who was behind the border breach? Let’s face it. No way Bashar Assad didn’t allow it. What amazes me is that the Lebanese army apparently fired heavily at the “protestors” from the Lebanese border.

The beginning of the end for Mad Mahmoud? A leading cleric has said that Ahmadinejad is “bewitched.” Oh, that can’t be good. But wait! Mad Mahmoud has fired the Oil Minister and taken over his duties himself! Stay tuned for more excitement in The Adventures Of Mad Mahmoud!

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One Response to Monday news briefing

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    An interesting statement from ynet (,7340,L-4068829,00.html) is that it appears that a number of the “demonstrators” were actually attempting to defect to Israel and asked for political asylem.

    ‘We come in peace’

    “I’m tired of living in Syria, we’d rather die than see more bloodshed,” one of the Syrian infiltrators into Majdal Shams told Ynet earlier. He called on Israel to grant him asylum, adding: “We’ve crossed the border in order to stay with our families, away from all the killing in Syria. We ask the powers at be in Israel to help us stay and not send us back.”

    Other infiltrators told Ynet that “we come in peace,” adding that they had decided to cross the border in the aims of living in the Golan Heights – “even if it means risking our lives.” Still, others declared “we are here to liberate the Syrian Palestinian land. These people are Palestinian freeman, Allah willing, the Palestinian groups will not give up.”

    Some of those expressing a wish to remain on the Israeli side of the border, said the uprising against Syrian President Assad is proving more and more dangerous and that many Palestinians now fear for their lives.

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