Thursday morning Egypt Uprising briefs

Game over, Mubarak wins: Or so says Robert Springborg. If he’s right, then Mubarak is one of the most clever dictators alive. (P.S.: I was thinking that since the anti-protester forces came out, he was going to retain power.) Via Hot Air.

It’s even better if you read it with an Irish accent: Wow, there are Irish people who aren’t against Israel? Who knew? Via Patti, a long, longtime reader.

When even Abe Foxman is defending Glenn Beck, you know you’re wrong to attack him: Really, I don’t think Beck has a problem with Jews. I think he has a problem with hyperbole. But to see the ADL defend him is just—weird. So, the Soros-funded Jewish Funds for Justice rabbi letter strikes out. Although I know a rabbi who would have been proud to sign it (for all I know, he did). I had to sit through one of the dreariest sermons I’ve ever had the mispleasure to hear. Triple-L liberal takes advantage of boy’s bar mitvah audience to lecture the crowd on the evils of Alito and the Supremes who want to take your Obamacare mandate away. I so wanted to ask, “So, in your opinion, the government can now tell me which hair care product to buy if they want one that’s the least offensive to the environment?” But I was polite. Next time, I’m going to have a sudden urge to visit the rest room during his sermon.

The stomach virus diet: Okay, the silver lining? I’m a week further along in my diet due to the inability to eat much since Sunday. I think I’m about 90% today, should be fine by the weekend. Which is good, as my home will be invaded by children on Saturday, and we will spend the day playing videogames and watching TV and eating non-diet foods.

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