Striking down Obamacare

Ilya Somin of the Volokh Conspiracy has analysis of today’s Federal Court decision ruling Obamacare unconstitutional.

Jen Rubin has a biting rundown of the administration’s incompetence.

And now, I’m going to finish watching my soap and go to bed. With luck, I will be past the fever dream period of this virus, because jeez, they were really, really awful this afternoon. I almost got into a fight with a woman who insisted that Ivy League colleges were the “normal” ones, and my piddly little Montclair State education was worthless. But I felt sorry for her, because she was middle-aged and I knew I’d really hurt her. Why I chose to go after a twentysomething instead, I couldn’t say, but at that moment my lucid dreaming tipping point hit and I realized I was dreaming something stupid and woke myself up. (It’s a valuable skill to have if you’re prone to nightmares featuring monsters, and, well, I am.)

I think I’m still feverish. Damn.

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