What I’m reading

Thing 1: Yaacov Lozowick illustrates and explains the Shepherd’s Hotel (a.k.a. the dead Nazi’s former home). (Daily Alert linked him, good job, Yaacov!)

Thing 2: This is a very interesting look at the Arab mindset, buried inside a New York Times article on the Arab gay culture in New York.

“It got big, which is not always a good thing, because you have all nationalities of the Middle East,” said Abraham, who is of Syrian and Palestinian descent, grew up in Kuwait and now lives in Astoria, Queens. Like others interviewed for this article, he spoke on the condition that his last name not be used.

“The Egyptians want to hang out with the Egyptians, the Moroccans want to hang out with the Moroccans, et cetera,” he said. “This is always a problem you have with Arabs.”

You don’t say. Oh, wait, those of us who write about Arab discrimination against Palestinians have been saying this for years.

Thing 3: Oh, this one will piss off all the ZOG morons out there. Hillary Clinton told Al Jazeera that Israel makes its own decisions. But here’s the shocker: The AP actually published this quote!

Clinton pointed out that Israel has reasons to be cautious. “You often make decisions based on your own experience and history,” she said. “And when the Israelis pulled out of Lebanon they got Hezbollah and 40,000 rockets and when they pulled out of Gaza they got Hamas and 20,000 rockets.”

Holy crap! Someone check the sky for flying pigs!

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2 Responses to What I’m reading

  1. Pablo Schwartz says:

    make no mistake: on foreign policy issues, Aitch Clinton is still a Goldwater girl. as First Lady of Arkansas, she often shocked polite (liberal) Little Rock high society (or what passes for high society there ..) by praising Reagan’s Central American policy. i may disagree with her on some things, but – for better or worse – she’s usually sincere.

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