The loss of Debbie Friedman

Debbie Friedman passed away today.

Words fail.

Her music won’t. This is the song that, seven years ago at a conference for Jewish educators, made me realize what an amazing contribution she made to Judaism.

We were all on our feet, too. Several thousand of us.

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3 Responses to The loss of Debbie Friedman

  1. Elisson says:

    We heard Debbie perform at Hallelu Atlanta back in November 2007. Her loss is a loss to everyone, not only the Jewish community. Barukh Dayan Emet.

  2. Jack says:

    I was privileged to work with her. It is more than 20 years ago, but for one year we both worked at the same Hebrew school. It was a real pleasure.

  3. Rahel says:

    I had the honor of attending one of Debbie Friedman’s concerts about six years ago, and I grew up with her music.

    This is a terrible loss indeed. Barukh dayyan ha-emet.

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