Finding my words again

Those of us who are no longer (sigh) young have all experienced this: You’re in the middle of a sentence, or writing a post, and you get to a word and there is a blank. You had the word while you were thinking of the sentence, and then it disappeared when you needed it. It drives me crazy, because I am a writer by nature. I don’t lose words. I always find the right word. It’s part of my skillsets.

Yesterday, I realized that I’m not losing my words anymore, and that got me to wondering if it was stress-related. Because when I think about my life at the moment, I am probably at the best place I have ever been in my entire life. I have a great job, at which I am doing very well (and being recognized for my effort). I have a great condo in a really good neighborhood, as opposed to the apartment complex where I lived three years ago and made the annual New Year’s Eve decision of whether to come home early and thus dodge the celebratory gunfire, stay late and hope to dodge the celebratory gunfire, or stay over someone else’s house and dodge the celebratory gunfire. Here in Old Fogeyville, most of the neighbors are sound asleep by ten p.m., never mind celebrating New Year’s.

I just stepped on the scale and let out a big woot for breaking another pound barrier. I am heading towards my initial post-smoking weight, and noticing that yes indeed, I do have cheekbones again. (They didn’t really disappear with the extra weight, but they were not as pronounced as they will be in another ten or so pounds, either).

It’s not just the money thing, either. I am out of debt and able to start saving for my retirement this year, and I’m not worried about catching up. My job is relatively secure. I refinanced my mortgage. So yes, I’m in a much better place now financially than I was five years ago, but that doesn’t explain why so many things that used to bother me just flow off my back now. Hell, I haven’t even gotten in a blogwar in ages (though it is about time for my semi-annual battle with a certain blogger who shall remain nameless but can’t seem to help coming after me). ((Meh. Maybe this time, I won’t rise to the bait. It truly is battling an unarmed opponent.))

In any case, I noticed that I’m not losing my words anymore. I don’t have to pause while writing a post, or call Sarah and ask her what word I was looking for. I am in a better place, at least in that respect.

There are three goals I’d like to accomplish this year. I want to get my fiction writing on track again. I want to achieve my weight-loss goals. And it would be really nice if I could find a decent guy. Well, two of those goals are within my control. As for the last, who knows? It’s a new year. You never can tell.

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8 Responses to Finding my words again

  1. Chris Muir says:

    Love the ‘celebratory gunfire’ description.

    Sad, to hear it, but glad it’s in the past.

    Rest up!

  2. Jay Tea says:

    You want a blog war? You want a blog war?



  3. Pamela says:


    Finding your words again makes for a good start in the new year.
    I haven’t written a poem or storem since 2008.

    Good things will happen when the time is right.
    Now if I can get the mouse out from under Gizmo….

  4. Oh yeah, Jay? Well your blog name is a hot drink!

  5. Feel free to take it and use it for your own purposes, Chris. I’m sure the DBD crew would respond in their own unique way.

  6. Alex Bensky says:

    There’s a likely reason for this and…damn, I just had it on the tip of my tongue.

  7. Alex Bensky says:

    As to writing poems, Pamela…a few years ago there was this woman…long story…wouldn’t be polite to discuss it in detail because one of us managed to make a fool out of himself…but for the first time in twenty-five years I tried writing poetry and everything else I can deal with but I’ll never forgive her for that.

  8. A.C. Gray says:

    Finding your writing flowing smoothly again is a true gift. Your second goal for the new year is well within your grasp as for your third, a life realtionship comes unlooked for and happens when you aren’t hunting it. I gave up looking I am now married and living in Oz. Who knew!

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