Saturday quick snarks

Yeah, but are they going to allow human sacrifice? The Brits are officially recognizing Druidry (apparently, that’s what you call it) as a religion. Pardon me while I snicker.

The Obama Effect:The Palestinians are done with direct negotiatons. This would be ac issue if there actually were any negotiations, but thanks to The One’s stupid emphasis on Israeli “settlements,” the Palestinians have been able to successfully avoid negotiating for two years. Way to go, Obambi!

Baby Assad mocks Obama: Say, that outstretched hand to Syria? It’s just been slapped.

Syrian President Bashar Assad said Saturday that peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians are aimed at bolstering Obama’s political image.

“There is no goal but to gain support for Obama within America,” he told Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, adding that “there has been no change in the peace process in Palestine.”

So how do you figure Stephen Walt is going to spin this one? It’s all Israel’s fault that Syria is mocking Obama?

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6 Responses to Saturday quick snarks

  1. Gary Rosen says:

    I have newfound respect for the Dorktator. How many commentators in the MSM have told as much truth about BO?

  2. Licorne Negro says:

    Don’t speak mean of the druids… uU
    All religions deserve respect.
    Even that ones that burn people to the gawds. Like catholics. :P

  3. Empress Trudy says:

    Let them burn a Miliband.

  4. Stretch says:

    Time to grab the woad and party like it’s 1999 … BC.

  5. Michael Lonie says:

    Traditional Druidic Beltane celebration for the coming of Spring: lock people into wicker cages and burn them alive.

    This could give the British tourist industry new life, so to speak. If they use the traditional condemned criminals it could also have a positive effect on British crime rates. Clearly, this is a win-win situation. That Archbishop of Canterbury is a sly dog.

  6. Eric Jablow says:

    Human sacrifice seems to be very popular in England. Look what they want to do to people who don’t believe in global warming.

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