Friday briefs, now with more snark!

Oooh, I hope it’s true: Hezbollah is accusing Egypt and Jordan of arming its rivals. Hey, build up those opponents! If they’re busy fighting each other, they won’t have time to murder Israeli soldiers supervising the pruning of trees.

Norway to Germany: We won’t let you help the Israelis defend themselves. They’re banning test runs by German sub companies in Norwegian waters. Why? Because the subs are going to be sold to Israel. Can you say, “Israel Derangement Syndrome”? I knew you could. Now can you say, “Illogical hatred of the Jewish State?” Awesome. And what’s the so-called reason behind it? The blockade of Gaza. Apparently, Norway is totally down with rockets landing on Israeli children, but not with the deprivation of rocket materials to Hamas.

Palestinian Muslims: Now, with more medieval logic! Palestinians are willing to perform hysterectomies on mentally ill girls to assure that they never have children (like them, no doubt). Way to join the 21st century! And they got a fatwa for it, too.

The mufti of Nablus issued a decree approving hysterectomies “if they can put an end to a mental condition or social problem”.

Awesome! How much notice with the world media take of this? None. How much did they take of the Israeli Arab charged with sex by deception (because they couldn’t prove the rape charge)? Tons. Israeli Double Standard Time? You betcha!

We didn’t make no steenking promises! The Obama administration denies promising Bibi anything in return for an extension on the settlement freeze. Not that it matters. Name a promise that Obama has kept. It’s a far shorter list than the ones he hasn’t.

This entry was posted in Gaza, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Lebanon, News Briefs, World. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Friday briefs, now with more snark!

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    “The mufti of Nablus issued a decree approving hysterectomies “if they can put an end to a mental condition or social problem”.” This line cries out for snark.

    This sort of thing used to be called Eugenics in the West and progressives loved it.

    Sounds like Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.’s “Three generations of imbeciles is enough.”

    Such a hereditary mental condition (or social problem) could also be transmitted through the male line. Where are the forced vasectomies? (Long pause, sounds of crickets chirping).

    You know, it seems a bit imprudent for Mr. Mufti of Nablus to approve hysterectomies for mental conditions or social problems. I mean, there are a lot of people who are coming to think that jihadists are suffering from a mental condition and that Muslim aggression against non-Muslims is a social problem. Mr. Mufti of Nablus’ fatwa sets a precedent he might consider to be unfortunate in the future, if radical Muslims do not mend their ways. I mean, what’s sauce fo the goose is sauce for the gander.

    I suppose the only saving grace about this horrible story is that Nablus is not exactly the greatest and most respected center of Muslim legal scholarship and influence in the world. I wonder what Al-Azhar would have to say on the issue?

    Norway’s hatred of Israel makes perfect sense. Norway has a problem with Muslim immigrants (for example they commit two-thirds of rapes in Norway). Muslims hate Israel (Jews really but “Israel” sounds better to squeamish Westerners so Muslims use that term for soothing propaganda purposes). If Norwegians hate Israel too, then Muslims will be less likely to do nasty things to Norwegians. QED. Right? Right? (more crickets chirping).

  2. Stretch says:

    The mufti of Nablus issued a decree approving hysterectomies “if they can put an end to a mental condition or social problem”.

    How ’bout the mufti discourage cousins from marrying one another?

  3. Joel says:

    Norway gave us the term Quisling.

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