Late Monday briefs

Gaza moderation watch: Yeah, those Hamasniks totally moderated since they had to run Gaza and make sure things like the garbage got taken care of. Because now even Christian women have to wear the hijab at Al-Azhar University. Those guys at the New York Times, they were sooo right!

But the world will still question Israel’s capacity to investigate itself: The Turkel Commission schooled the Mossad and made them turn over information on the Mavi Marmara incident. Huh. I thought the Israeli investigation couldn’t do things like that. You know—really investigate.

Yep. It’s Israel’s fault the peace talks are failing: Yes, because the building in Ma’ale Adumim is the real obstacle to peace, not the Palestinian refusal to compromise in any way.

10 rockets into Israel since Erev Rosh Hashanah: But little or no mention in the non-Jewish press. Because why would rockets and mortars be an obstacle to peace?

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