What’s another word for ‘briefly’?

In any other country, he’d be tried for treason: So, when a Member of the Knesset calls for an Islamic caliphate to be established in Israel and says that Jews can “manage their own matters themselves,” this is not racist, colonialist, or in any way hegemonic. And when he claims he is with Hassan Nasrallah and Hizballah, well, that’s just freedom of speech, not treason. The Arabs are calling for second-class citizenship to non-Muslims, and Israel is the apartheid state? Shyeah.

Reaping the whirlwind: Lebanon is backing Hizballah to the fullest extent a nation can back a terrorist group. Remember that when the media and world powers are screaming that Israel is using “disproportionate force” in response to a Hizballah attack. How far the mighty revolution has fallen. The retaking of Lebanon by Syria is complete.

Think HRW will issue a statement condemning this? Egypt has extended its emergency law that allows it to arrest and jail people without charge. They don’t say what the emergency is. The fact that Mubarak Jr. couldn’t win a democratic election, perhaps. Hey, maybe Hillary Clinton will shake her finger and scold the Egyptians over this. Oh, wait. Human rights only count if it’s Israelis oppressing Arabs, not Arabs oppressing Arabs.

And, because it shouldn’t be all bad news: Seriously? A 3-D Playboy centerfold? I’m sorry, I’m laughing too hard to take this seriously. And yet—I’m sure they’ll do it.

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3 Responses to What’s another word for ‘briefly’?

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    Based on your last item, how about “skimpy”

  2. Alex Bensky says:

    Since you brought up the subject of the centerfold, Meryl, it is only fair to your readers that if they ever pull this off, as it were, that you present the result here. I am asking purely from a sociological point of view, of course.

  3. Shyeah. I will totally publish pr0n on this blog. About six days after I’m dead.

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