Sunday morning briefs

Yeah, it’s just like anti-Semitism: Some fool priest compared criticism of the Catholic Church’s reaction to priests’ sexual abuse of the children in their parishes to “collective violence” against Jews over the centuries. Yeah, because being angry about covering up pedophilia and sexual abuse is just like being massacred because you’re Jewish.

The lying liars that are the Palestinians: A few days ago, Palestinians said the IDF killed a teenaged boy. Guess what? They lied. The real question here, though, is will his name come off the record of the anti-Israel organizations who keep the running tally of Palestinians killed by Israel? I’m guessing no.

Five more African refugeesshot by Egypt: None killed, but still no major outcry against Egyptians shooting unarmed civilians. Color me unsurprised.

Irony truly is dead: Iran is going to hold a nuclear disarmament conference. Yes, really. Yes, really. YES, REALLY! Okay, you can stop laughing now.

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2 Responses to Sunday morning briefs

  1. Steven says:

    I feel sorry for comedians. Nobody can create a parody of the world we live in.

  2. Sams says:

    Sorry but I can’t stop laughing at the Iranian Nuclear disarmement conference lol

    How on earth can we parody this world anymore ? Surely Obama will likely attend and offer Abm_djad a nintendo DS

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