The Dubai sanction

While the apparent efficiency involved in killing Mahmoud al-Mabhouh has convinced many that Israel killed him, (via memeorandum) some others are raising doubts.

Tom Gross, for example, wonders:

* There seems a very real possibility that Israel is being set up. Airlines keep detailed passenger records these days and anyone could have got the flight manifestos of British and other passport holders who have flown to Israel in the past and then used these names in a deliberate attempt to point the finger of blame at Israel.

* The Dubai authorities have provided no forensic evidence that points to Israel, only a series of photos and videos of random hotel guests who may or may not all know each other. In any event, the persons shown in these photos and videos are not shown committing any crime. It would be very easy to frame Israel, using the identities of six randomly-chosen Israelis based on flight manifestos. This could have been done by anyone – and especially by persons who wanted to avoid being suspected of this action by blaming the Israelis and diverting attention from the real perpetrators.

The Washington, which has a main article working from the premise that it was done by israel, nonetheless carries an AP report that observes:

But the account quickly came under dispute. And other elements added to the scrutiny on Dubai, including how investigators pieced together the evidence or why such a well-planned operation would overlook Dubai’s wide-ranging security cameras.

It all adds up to something far less definitive than Tamim’s presentation, which included video surveillance clips of both the alleged killers and Mabhouh.

Obviously, al-Mabhouh was a bad guy who threatened Israel, but the circumstances of his death may be less certain.

Yaacov Lozowick links to dueling op-eds in Ha’aretz.

Crossposted on Soccer Dad.

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