Pre-Snowpocalypse 2 briefs

Frozen peace: See what peace dividends bring to Egypt? The nation’s journalist’s union punished two editors for having contact with Israel. Ew, Jew cooties!

That famous Muslim tolerance for other religions: Egyptian Christians are protesting for the right to build churches as easily as Muslims build mosques. If you want to build a new church in Egypt, first you have to get the permit signed by the president. If you want to build a new mosque, you get a community permit. Tolerance! And the AP boilerplate is just awesome:

Ten percent of Egypt’s 80 million are Copts, who complain of being denied equal citizenship rights. Clashes do occasionally erupt.

Those “clashes”? Riots that torched Christian-owned shops, and murdered Christians. But hey, don’t let the truth get in the way of your whitewash, AP.

Juvenile scorn in the JPost: Tony Badran schools the “realists” at Foreign Affairs about Hizbullah. (Tony’s my hero.)

In the end, the IRA was cornered, unable to force a British withdrawal, and, worse, unable to even protect its community from Loyalist gangs. It was not the Brits but the IRA that initiated talks when its armed struggle had reached a stalemate.

This is hardly where Hizbullah sees itself today, either ideologically or operationally. Instead of finding itself cornered by its local rivals, Hizbullah has used its weapons to extract powerful political concessions, neutralize the unfavorable result of democratic elections and impose its priorities on its adversaries and the Lebanese government.

You tell ’em, Tony.

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