Hezbollah offended by—Anne Frank’s diary

It’s not anti-Semitism. They like Jews. Honest they do. Just look how much they like Jews:

Anne Frank’s diary has been censored out of a school textbook in Lebanon following a campaign by the terror group Hezbollah claiming the classic work promotes Zionism.

The row erupted after Hezbollah learned excerpts of “The Diary of Anne Frank” were included in the textbook used by a private English-language school in western Beirut.

Hezbollah’s Al-Manar television channel ran a report slamming the book for focusing on the persecution of Jews.

“What is even more dangerous is the dramatic, theatrical way in which the diary is emotionally recounted,” said the report aired last week and also published on the station’s website.

It questioned how long Lebanon would “remain an open arena for the Zionist invasion of education.”

Got it? Anne Frank’s diary has something to do with Israel. Therefore, Anne Frank was a Zionist, and Lebanese children in a private school should not be learning about how she hid from the Nazis for years and then was murdered in a death camp.

I can only infer that Hezbollah is afraid that Lebanese students might start putting two and two together and figuring out that Jew-hatred is Jew-hatred, whether you call it anti-Semitism or anti-Zionism.

Time for the Yourish.com mantra: Jew haters of the world, just die already. Preferably soon.

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8 Responses to Hezbollah offended by—Anne Frank’s diary

  1. Karmafish says:

    How long, I wonder, before western progressives insist upon the same thing?

    The story of Anne Frank is clearly nothing more than Zionist propaganda designed to promote American and Israeli racist imperialism.


  2. Alex Bensky says:

    In all seriousness, Meryl, your comment isn’t entirely fair. Hezbollah, like Hamas, openly states that they hate Jews. This isn’t veiled anti-Semitism, it’s overt anti-Semitism, unblushing and unashamed.

    what is depressing if not exactly astonishing is that for the western media and diplomats, naked anti-Semitism may not be approved of, exactly, but it’s not considered a disqualification from anything. I regret to say that if the Hamas charter had a brief section along the lines of “we’re not all that fond of black people, either,” they would be drummed out of the discourse. Certainly the Palis’ friends in academia would be up in, you’ll excuse the expression, arms.

    Which is what someone observed not long ago: It used to be said that anti-Catholicism was the anti-Semitism of intellectuals. Then it was said that anti-Americanism was the anti-Semitism of intellectuals. Now it turns out that anti-Semitism is the anti-Semitism of intellectuals.

  3. Alex Bensky says:

    I leave it to the Israeli government and the IDF to decide how to defend Israel; after the seder massacre in 2002 I reached a very unnuanced position, which is that I don’t really care what the Israelis think they have to do to defend themselves. They want to drop bombs somewhere, invade Gaza, try negotiating–I’m down with it.

    Still, it is nice to contemplate the IDF saying to Hezbollah, “Here’s something else that is going to offend you, guys–a bunch of Hellfire missiles right down your throats.”

    One of the theological and world-historical effects of the State of Israel is that Jew-killing is no longer a risk-free sport and I am fine with any displays of this fact that the Israelis want to make. Offend the hell out of Hezbollah, Fatah, Hamas, and anyone else you damn well please, chevrei.

  4. long_rifle says:

    “Still, it is nice to contemplate the IDF saying to Hezbollah, “Here’s something else that is going to offend you, guys–a bunch of Hellfire missiles right down your throats.”

    One of the theological and world-historical effects of the State of Israel is that Jew-killing is no longer a risk-free sport”


    Dam right!

  5. Pamela says:

    They’re offended by Anne Frank’s diary.


    I can think of other things they should be offended by. Didn’t the founder of their religion marry a six year old girl?
    Who in their right mind wouldn’t be truly offended by a grown man doing that..even for the time period?

  6. Michael Lonie says:

    The Ayatollahs, Hezbollah’s puppet masters in Teheran, establish a law allowing men to marry nine year old girls when they first came to power 30 years ago. Since Muhammed did it it’s perfectly all right, since Mo is the perfect model for behavior for all time. Even the kooks of Teheran realized after a while what a really stupid idea this was, and changed the law on the marriageable age of girls to a mature thirteen.

    What Ann Frank’s diary mainly has to do with Zionism is to show that the Zionists were right, that Jews need a homeland if they are not to be vulnerable to genocide.

    “I reached a very unnuanced position, which is that I don’t really care what the Israelis think they have to do to defend themselves. They want to drop bombs somewhere, invade Gaza, try negotiating–I’m down with it.”

    In this matter I agree with Alex 100 percent.

  7. I don’t know if you noticed this, but the moron in that clip calls Anne Frank “Israeli girl”.

    Check it out:


  8. Veeshir says:

    Okay Snoopy, that’s darkly funny.

    That makes it okay because it’s anti-zionism not anti-Jew</snark.

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