
Turk to Israel: No, really, we love you, you baby-killing bastards: Yeah, right. The Turkish producer of a film about Palestinians that depicts IDF soldiers murdering young girls for no apparent reason other than they’re Zionist child-killers says that just because the uniform looks like the IDF, and just because it takes place in Gaza, doesn’t mean that the show is about IDF soldiers murdering innocent Palestinian children. He defends his thesis by bringing up Mohammed al-Dura and 300 dead children from the Gaza war. I guess his show must be about Shmisraeli ShmIDF shmoldiers, not Israeli IDF soldiers.

Hezbollah: That was no missile, that was a door! I really want to see their video footage. They’re claiming that the group of Hezbollah terrorists seen loading a long, metallic object onto a truck were carrying a metal door. Uh-huh. I’m also eagerly awaiting UNIFIL’s explanation as to why their men were watching Hezbollah load a “metal door” onto a pickup truck. What? UN peacekeepers ignoring Hezbollah UN Resolution violations? No! You don’t say!

Khameini in a coma? Or dead? I hope it’s true. But if it is, well, Iran ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Revolution? That won’t be the half of it. It might be great news to Israel, depending on who wins the power struggle. We can always dream that client states Syria and Lebanon get left out in the cold.

Those wily Jews: While the Arabs and Muslims in the region continue their important work in improving the many ways you can carry a suicide bomb, Israelis are developing things like a battery that will last thousands of hours in hearing aids and the like. Oh, and the battery will be cheaper and cleaner than those currently on the market. No wonder Israel has more Nobel prizes than the entire Arab world combined.

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