Through the news snarkly

Hypocrisy watch, part 65,341: Jordan is really big on accusing Israel of violating human rights laws every time men under 50 are prevented from worshipping at al Aqsa (because they’re going there with the intent of rioting, but I digress). Without even mentioning the fact that men who commit “honor killings” in Jordan get slap-on-the-wrist sentences, how’s about this one? An Arab-Israeli man was arrested in Jordan for “speaking ill” of the king. It’s against the law to insult King Abdullah. Or Jordan. Well. I think Abdullah is a monkey-faced moron. There. Now I can never go to Jordan. I’ve broken Jordanian law. Well, I think Jordan sucks, which means I’ve just broken two Jordanian laws. It’s against the law to insult the country, as well. Yeah, way to walk the walk, dudes.

Proof that winning a Nobel prize doesn’t mean you’re smart: The Israeli Nobel Laureate in chemistry should probably stick to talking about science when she’s interviewed. Telling the Israeli media that she thinks all Palestinian prisoners should be released, regardless of how many murders they’ve committed, doesn’t make her look all that bright.

We’re going to reconcile, but separately: Fatah and Hamas may be signing the reconciliation agreement on separate days. The sheer comedy gold of that concept appears to have utterly passed them by.

A Buddhist Sukkot: Not really. Just the Dalai Lama visiting Washington’s largest Conservative synagogue to speak to 400 of his followers. He took some time after the speech to celebrate Sukkot with the rabbi and congregants. Barack Obama was not in attendance. He was over in the Chinese sukka across town.

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