Comment posting is now registration-only

Okay, three straight days of anti-Semitic vitriol is about all I can stand at a time. So now, commenters must be registered in order to comment, and, well, sorry. Registration is closed to new users. If you are a regular reader of this blog and never got around to registering, email me and I’ll fit you in somehow.

You know which ones crack me up the most? The ones who accuse me of being a racist and then go on to tell me that all Jews are Nazis, or something like that. I figure most of those are the ones who have to wipe the spittle off their screen when they’re done reading my post.

Or they’re the ones with the little tiny dicks. Peabrains go without saying.

Then again, I do have a lot more fodder for my Freakmail folder. Time for another post of the lovely sentiments of the anti-Israel crowd, at least, when I can delve back down into the sewers again.

By the way, one thing I haven’t done in a while is invoke the mantra: Anti-semites of the world, just die already. That includes all the ones who left me the lovely, unapproved comments.

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3 Responses to Comment posting is now registration-only

  1. Pamela says:


    Spite and venom seem to be de rigueur these days from certain sectors.

    Your site, your rules. Simple enough to follow.

    So, how are the kitties?

    All three of mine were bug eyed yesterday. Gotta hide the catnip.

  2. Michael Lonie says:

    This has been a test of the emergency commenting system. Had this been an actual comment I would have written an unfunny joke.

    Well, at least I can still log in and leave my pearls of wisdom here.

    Amazing that the antisemites can muster the brainpower to send an email. They certainly don’t exhibit any other aspects of intelligence.

  3. Gary Rosen says:

    Antisemitism isn’t about Jews, it’s about antisemites. They are born losers who can’t face up to their own failures and shortcomings so they blame everything on the Jews.

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